Saturday, June 3, 2017

Arctic Tern Build

May 31, 2017

Epoxying the Starboard Garboard Plank

The Starboard Garboard Plank was much more difficult to fit correctly.  There was no real good place to clamp the plank in place during fitting.  But I did the best that I could and it turned out okay. 

Once again my wife assisted me with the epoxy.  And then she would hand me screws as I secured the plank in place as well as watching out for squeeze out as I tightened the screws. 

Clean up went well first with angled sticks to remove the majority of the squeeze out, then with paper toweling, and finally wiping all the surfaces with denatured alcohol. 

As before, I let everything set up for 48 hours before removing the screws and clamps. 

My next step will be to cut out the planking that overlapped the centerboard slot.  Then on to making a pattern of the second plank.

I am taking a short break to apply a couple of coats of varnish to my cedar strip canoe.  I plan to put 3 coats on both the bottom and top as well as the inside.

Next step will be to cut out the centerboard slot and begin preparing a pattern for the second plank.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Russell
    The other day I was reviewing some basics on the Boat Building With Plywood by GlennL and thought perhaps useful sending you a snapshot of a diagram for correct countersinking of screw heads in plywood (ooops ... can't seem to attach images to comments)
    In any case I'm not sure it will apply to you but if you are filling the screw holes with putty it would be good to choose one that is compatible with the final epoxy or paint finish
