Saturday, August 12, 2017

Arctic Tern Build

August 12, 2017

Spiling and making 2nd strake pattern

It has been quite some time since I have been able to work on my boat.  Partly due to summer and many family activities, but also due to my lacking confidence in the next steps which includes beveling the edges of the garboards, cutting the gains, and preparing the planks to fit to the garboards. 

I did take a break and spent a week at Wooden Boat School taking a class in building a Nordic Pram.  A Nordic Pram isn’t anything like the Arctic Tern, but the course itself provided me with the needed instruction and practice on cutting gains and beveling the laps which in turn provided me with the confidence that I could perform this successfully on my Arctic Tern.  Thus, I am now back at working on my own boat. 


I first marked on all of my stations with marks to show where the planks would land and overlap.  I then made saw cuts into the garboard lap to match the angle that the plank would need to be.  I also used a straight edge to make sure that there was a smooth/straight transition from the garboard plank to where the 2nd strake plank would land on each station. 

The next step was to use a spiling pattern in order to determine the size and shape of the 2nd strake plank.  This required beveling some of the stations so that the spiling pattern laid properly along each station as it approached the stems.  Once the spiling pattern was marked I nailed it to the material that I was going to use to make a pattern plank (1/4” plywood).  I transferred all of the points from the spiling pattern to the pattern plank and then using thin wood strips (battens) to connect all of the points together.


I did find that I need to make myself a set of longer battens as the ones I was using had to be taped together to obtain the total length required.

I then beveled the edges of the garboard plank on both the starboard and port sides.  After fitting the pattern plank and making some adjustments I was satisfied with the pattern and how it laid on each of the stations.

I cut the Okoume plywood into 12” wide strips that I would need for the two planks.   
Next step will be to scarf the strips together and cut the actual planks and then cut the gains on both the bow and stern of the boat.