Tuesday, February 28, 2017

February 28, 2017

Laminating the Aft Inner Stem

Prior to the actual laminating of the strips for the Aft Inner Stem I organized everything and laid out all of the clamps I would need in addition to covering one table top with plastic to do the spreading of the epoxy on. 

After heating the shop up to 60+ degrees I mixed up two separate batches of epoxy, hardener, and filler.  Brushed a coat on each of the eight 3/16” strips, stacked them and wrapped them in plastic before carefully clamping them to the form.  I used a block of wood to level the strips to insure that they were stacked as evenly as possible.  I was surprised somewhat at how easy it was to draw the strips into the clamps.  I only used clamping pressure to hold everything in place.  No torqueing down on the clamps. 

Due to the limited number of large clamps that I have, I will only be able to do one lamination at a time.  Once the Aft Inner Stem is completely dried I will clean it up and then use it as part of the form to laminate the Aft Outer Stem.  This will insure that both the Inner and Outer stems will match perfectly when eventually built into the boat.  Once the Aft Stems are complete I will then laminate the Forward Stems in the same manner.
I have also placed some fixtures with 100 watt bulbs to help maintain the recommended 60+ degree temperature for curing.

If all goes well, I will take the next step with laminating the Outer stem in a couple of days.

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Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25, 2017

Testing West System Epoxy

Over the last few days I have been testing the use of the West System epoxy.  I took the suggestion from one of the comments to use the end cutoff pieces to test the epoxy. 

I have used other epoxy before so I had some familiarity with how to mix, etc.  I did speak with the West Technical support team to clarify temperature ranges of each of the different hardeners.  They are very knowledgeable and helpful.  Based upon that conversation, I intended to use my basement verses the shop, since it is warmer, I used the 206 Slow Hardener. 

I took the 8 end cutoff strips and coated each with a mixture of resin with colloidal silica mixed in to thicken the epoxy.  I then clamped the strips using the actual jig I made that will be used for gluing up the inner and outer stems. 

After letting them cure for a good 36 to 40 hours I removed the test strips from the jig.  The end result looked very good.  All laminations seem to be well bonded and they retained the curved shape of the jig.  Tomorrow I will clean up the squeeze out and run the edges on the belt sander.

Next step will be to prepare the inner stems strips for laminating. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

February 7, 2017

Today I cut the additional strips I needed for the stems.  I only needed 5 more but I cut a dozen just to have a few extra if needed.

Once cut, ripped, and surface planed, I measured each stack to make sure they were all within the required dimensions.  1 3/8” overall height for the inner stems and 2 ½” overall height for the outer stems. 

Taped each stack together and labeled.  Measured the lengths of strips I needed and cut off both ends.  I left some additional length to each as I would rather have them a bit longer than actually needed, than end up with them too short.

Next step is to order the epoxy.  I will be using the West System epoxy.

Monday, February 6, 2017

February 6, 2017

Today I ran all of the strips for the stem multiple times through the surface planer.  I alternated sides to ensure that both sides were flat and smooth.  The end dimension of the strips is just a little under 3/16" thick. 

Stacking them up I found that I would need 7 strips to provide me with the correct thickness for the inner stems, and 14 strips to provide me with the correct thickness for the outer stems.

Unfortunately, I found that I was 5 strips short so I had to make a run to Menards to purchase additional lumber.  Now I have to go through the process of cutting, ripping, and planning the additional required strips.

Just to check to see what the strips would look like when I get to the lamination process, I clamped enough strips on the form to make the aft inner stem.  Prior to actual epoxying, I will cut the excess off of the ends so that I am not wasting epoxy.